Expansion of the Gdynia Oncology Center at the PCK Maritime Hospital in Gdynia

On behalf of Szpitale Pomorskie Sp. z o.o., TPF Sp. z o.o. is carrying out the service of developing comprehensive project documentation for the investment titled "Expansion of the Gdynia Oncology Center at the PCK Maritime Hospital in Gdynia." The documentation pertains to facilities located within the GCO premises at 1 Powstania Styczniowego Street in Gdynia and covers the design of a new hospital building, as well as the renovation and reconstruction of part of the existing buildings.

As part of the expansion, the hospital will gain additional space for a new linear accelerator and the new brachytherapy clinic.

The GCO buildings, along with the entire urban layout, are under the care of the heritage conservation office. The expansion of GCO is another strategic medical investment financed from local government funds and represents a significant contribution to the development of oncology diagnosis and treatment infrastructure in the Pomeranian region.

The ongoing project work includes:

  • Multidisciplinary inventories of existing buildings,
  • Updating maps for design purposes,
  • Greenery inventories.

The project documentation is being developed using BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology with Autodesk Revit software. The current state of the buildings is being inventoried using 3D laser scanning, resulting in a point cloud that designers will use to create a virtual model that faithfully reproduces the real shape of the buildings included in the project scope. This model will serve as the basis for further work in developing comprehensive technical documentation.

Investor: Szpitale Pomorskie Sp. z o.o.
Location: Gdynia, ul. Powstania Styczniowego 1
Total contract value: PLN 2,31 mln gross
Implementation period: 11.2022 – still
Partners (Partner consortium): -

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